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Local Topic Santa Tours in Katy: A Festive Tradition Returns!

Local Topic Santa Tours in Katy: A Festive Tradition Returns!

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by: TownHubAdmin Active Indicator LED Icon Site Admin  OP  New Member
~ 9 mos ago   Nov 15, '23 9:09am  
Santa Tours in Katy: A Festive Tradition Returns!
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It's that time of year again! The City of Katy Fire Department Santa Tours starts Monday, November 27, 2023.
🎄Please watch for Katy Fire Department daily Facebook posts beginning on the morning of November 27th with each nights neighborhood route.
🎄Remember they will be collecting canned goods for KCM and new unwrapped toys for the Lions Club and Toys-for-Tots programs.
🎄They aim to leave the South Pole (Fire Station) and be in your neighborhood between 615-630 each evening.
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sugu Active Indicator LED Icon 5 App
~ 9 mos ago   Nov 15, '23 9:49am  
This is so nice 🙂
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Fiona Active Indicator LED Icon 4
~ 9 mos ago   Nov 16, '23 9:19am  
We like this, but looks like there are some neighborhoods that are not included this year.
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sugu Active Indicator LED Icon 5 App
~ 9 mos ago   Nov 16, '23 5:34pm  
@Fiona: 😓
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