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Submit an Event to Katy.com

Submit an Event to Katy.com

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Suggest an Event for the Katy.com Events page below. Please note that all events are manually reviewed and are subject to editorial approval. It may take several days to be reviewed and published.

*** To maintain our events calendar accuracy, we do not accept information for events taking place more than 60 days in the future.

Upload a picture with this Event?
Optional - Click "Browse" to select a picture to upload from your computer. By uploading an image here, you affirm that the image is copyright-free or is owned by you.

Event Contact Information:
PRIVATE: Your contact information will be used to verify and coordinate event information. It will not be published to Katy.com, unless it is included in the Event Description above.

* You do not have to be a paid client to submit events to the website.

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