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Scotty's Saloon

Indian Restaurants in Katy, TX

Katy Indian Restaurants reviews, businesses and maps for Katy TX.
Indian Restaurants Listings:
(281) 944-3342
873 S Mason Rd, Suite 304
Katy, TX 77450Map

(281) 647-6111
829 S Mason Rd, Suite 265
Katy, TX 77450Map

Ashiana Indian Restaurant
(832) 437-5578
1420 S Mason Rd, Suite 110
Katy, TX 77450Map

Chowpatty Express
(832) 321-3268
5205 South Mason RD Ste 100
Katy , TXMap

Kababish Cafe & Grill
(281) 769-1999
557 S Mason Rd
Katy, TX 77450Map

Kabob Korner
(281) 665-3460
27131 Cinco Ranch Blvd. Suite # 900
Katy, TXMap

Katy Bakery And Biryani
(281) 665-3460
27131 Cinco Ranch Blvd. Suite #900
Katy, TXMap

Katy Bakery And Biryani
(832) 437-3800
1830 S Mason Rd, Suite 165
Katy, TX 77450Map

Kurry Walah
(281) 769-1355
4603 FM 1463, Suite 500
Katy, TX 77494Map

(713) 561-1714
Sizzling Gyro
(281) 394-7570
620 Katy Fort Bend Rd
Katy, TX 77450Map

Swagath Grocers
(832) 206-7079
5205 S Mason Rd, Suite 220
Katy, TX 77450Map

Swagruha Curry Point
(281) 398-5255
1025 S Mason Rd
Katy, TX 77450Map

Tandoorz Kabob & Grill
(346) 355-8889
1315 W Grand Pkwy S Ste#116A
Katy, TXMap

TikkaTemple - North Indian Punjabi Restaurant
(281) 396-4822
2004 S Mason Rd
Katy, TX 77450Map

Udipi Cafe - Katy

Category: Restaurants & Food => Indian Restaurants

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Category name variations: Katy india, Katy indian, Katy curry, Katy biryani, Katy tandoori, Katy masala, Katy tiki, Katy kulfi, Katy samosas, Katy samosa

ID: #851
El Rey Cuban & Mexican Cuisine