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Katy Bars, Taverns & Breweries

Katy Bars, Taverns & Breweries reviews, businesses and maps for Katy TX.
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Bars, Taverns & Breweries Listings:
(281) 392-5555
510 S Mason Rd
Katy, TX 77450Map

510 Bar & Cafe
(713) 830-1858
23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd
Katy, TX 77494Map

Baker St. Pub & Grill
(281) 394-9994
24445 Katy Fwy, Suite 500
Katy, TX 77494Map

BreWingZ Restaurant and Bar
(281) 829-6400
20940 Katy Fwy, Suite I
Katy, TX 77449Map

Brewski's Pub and Patio
(832) 437-3048
4747 FM 1463, Suite 100
Katy, TX 77494Map

Cane Island Bar & Grill
(832) 974-1231
829 S Mason Rd, Suite 280
Katy, TX 77450Map

The Cellar Door
(281) 392-5886
1010 S Mason Rd, Suite C
Katy, TX 77450Map

Duke's Tavern
(281) 398-6066
873 S Mason Rd, Suite 360
Katy, TX 77450Map

Einstein's Pub
(281) 396-4277
1443 FM 1463
Katy, TX 77494Map

Growler USA - Katy
(281) 665-3535
23511 Katy Fwy
Katy, TXMap

Mo's Irish Pub
(281) 347-0090
24515 Katy Fwy, Suite 100
Katy, TX 77494Map

Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom
(281) 395-3473
22758 Westheimer Pkwy, Suite 270
Katy, TX 77450Map

The Public House
(281) 396-4627
1721 Spring Green Dr, Ste 700
Katy, TX 77494Map

The Social Pub and Grill
(281) 391-3553
5990 Stockdick Rd
Katy, TX 77494Map

Southland Bar & Grill
(281) 578-9900
20900 Katy Fwy, Suite N1
Katy, TX 77449Map

Stadia Sports Grill
(832) 430-2253
23139 Grand Circle Blvd
Katy, TX 77450Map

Whiskey Cake
(281) 392-2337
26913 Katy Fwy
Katy, TX 77494Map

The Wildcatter Saloon
(281) 394-9625
2643 Commercial Center Blvd, Suite B390
Katy, TX 77494Map

World Of Beer

Category: Restaurants & Food => Bars, Taverns & Breweries

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Category name variations: Katy pub, Katy pubs, Katy bar, Katy tavern, Katy beer, Katy club, Katy clubs

ID: #856
Scotty's Steakhouse Scotch & Prime